In 2011, she contributed a version of the track "It's a Long Way" in collaboration with Apollo Nove and N.A.S.A. for the Red Hot Organization's most recent charitable album Red Hot + Rio 2. The album is a follow-up to the 1996 Red Hot + Rio. In 2012, Céu received her third Latin Grammy nomination for "Best Contemporary Brazilian Pop Album" for her third album Caravana Sereia Bloom.
CeU Discography (2005 2012)
CéU (Urban Jungle/Six Degrees, 2005)Remixed EP (2007)Vagarosa (Six Degrees, 2009)Caravana Sereia Bloom (Six Degrees, 2012)Live (Six Degrees, 2014)Tropix (Six Degrees, 2016)Apká! (Six Degrees Records)
Work-up of disc degeneration and its ensuing cascade of events are the most common reasons for diagnostic assessment and treatment of the lumbar spine. Unfortunately, these very modalities are often invasive and contribute to the incidence of iatrogenic infection. POSD is a known risk factor with a number of procedures including discography, myelography, chemonucleolysis, epidural injections, lumbar punctures, and virtually any lumbar surgery. On a relative scale, POSD is rare when the entire disc is removed anteriorly and replaced with bone graft, such as performed with anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF)19 and when the disc is not entered at all (e.g. laminectomy alone).20
Discography, a controversial, provocative diagnostic technique used by some in the work-up of low back pain, warrants further discussion. The risk of discitis following discography performed under sterile conditions by an experienced discographer is approximately 1% when a single needle is used and up to 5% with a two-needle technique.21 Other investigators indicate that the incidence is underreported even in ideal circumstances, occurring in as many as 1 of every 30 patients.22,23 POSD also has the potential to evolve into an epidural abscess (Fig. 5-1) that may have significant neurological consequences.
Jazz In Clear Water (1993)In Transit (1994)Brilliant Corners (1995)Harpoon (1996)Hoe Down (1997)A Timeless Vision (1998)Rhapsody (1999)Things To Come 2001Vernal Fields (2002)A Salute to the Big Bands (2002) Yes and No (2004)Lockbox (2005)Christmas Day, My Favorite Day (2006)Buleria, Solea, Y Rumba (2008)Molihua (2009)Soul Searching (2010)Journey to the Center of Jazz (2010)A Gentleman Named John (2011)Stan Kenton Orchestra (2011)Funk In Deep Freeze (2012)Black, Brown, and Beige (2013)Ebony (2015)