This payment gateway for WooCommerce allows your customers to enter their credit card information on your site and let you process the data manually (offline) using your payment terminal. To make this process secure, only the first and the last four digits are saved to the database while the eight middle digits and the security code are sent to a dedicated email address so that the complete credit card number is never stored on a single computer.
Using the RegistrationMagic Offline Payments, you can set up a WordPress payment processing system that allows you to accept offline payments on your registration forms, membership forms, WordPress payment forms, or any other type of forms.
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For example, if you have a membership website, you can set up a membership form with a payment processing system that will allow you to accept the payment offline when a user purchases the membership.
A payment gateway is a mechanism that communicates transaction information between the customer and the merchant. Payment gateways enable the capability for credit card and digital payment processing. Online payment gateways are cloud-based software while in person retail gateway's are often included in POS systems. 2ff7e9595c